One Pet is a solution to dozen diseases. Believe it or not, but it is 100% true, especially for elderly people, for people in stress, blind, deaf, disabled people and other people suffering from a host of other diseases like heart disease, Blood Pressure etc. Moreover, Pets never lie, never put expectations and never steal your Bank Balance. It is cheapest anti-anxiety medication. Spending few moments with a pet makes people happy and happier-Stress hormones are lowered and this lifts their mood. Consequently, it reduces doctor visits and medicines in many cases.
As per a recent survey on elderly people, who are standing between life and death, more than 40% of the elderly people in the UK are dependent on antidepressants which have severe side effects like decrease in bone density and that too at Old age. Here comes the substitute and important role of pets. Pets such as dogs and cats make a powerful positive impact on such elderly people. It basically refocuses their attention on pleasant activity and in this way there is less needing felt for antidepressants. Elaborating it in other way, it is nearly impossible to feel lonely and depressed when there is happy, lighthearted, cheery and especially unselfish animal in front of a person.
Positive Impact on Cardiovascular Health and Blood Pressure
In a recent survey, it was found that pet owners have lower risk/likelihood for heart-related diseases as it decreases the cholesterol level and blood pressure
By pet therapy, people get their mind off the things that create panic for them and experience pleasant emotions.
There are abundant positive benefits of pet ownership. It has been found in research that blood pressure and pulse rate in horses and dogs show a significant decrease as above mentioned animals are touched by human beings. On the contrary, similar effect is on humans. A person’s blood pressure drops when they touch their pet.
Pets are used for the disabled people also to heal them emotionally and physically. Pet helps the people when they are isolated, mourning or alone. Moreover, Dogs are used for the blind and deaf and horseback riding for the disabled people. Recently, dogs have been used to assist people with Autism, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety.
People can respond either negatively or positively, but animals most often show appreciation for the relationship they have with people.
Pets do not include Dogs and cats only. It also includes horses, guinea pigs, canaries, fish and rats.
Contribution of Pets in healing Cancer Patients
Pets aid in Cancer treatment in the following manner:
• Inspire them to get better
• Releasing their anxiety and lift their mood.
• Providing company and comfort when the patient is in isolation.
• Helps in socializing patients and boosting their confidence
• Refocusing their attention from stress and pain to pleasant emotions.
Effect of pets on Development of Child
It is found that children having pets are independent and optimistic. They tend to be less aggressive, have high self esteem and less self-centered than Children without pets. Moreover, pets help children develop imagination power. These children are less destructive as they develop sympathy for animals. Specifically, pets are suggested for withdrawn, socially disadvantaged child and physically ill child. It helps in psychosocial development of Children.
The Panic of stressful events in the life of Children can be eased by pets. To sum up animals aids children in developing habits of cooperation, high self-esteem, socialization, cooperation and a host of other factors.