To start with Classified Advertisement, we will start with an example: If you carry a sword instead of a gun while going for a lion hunt in the forest and return empty handed, then you cannot say that hunting lion is not good. Surprisingly, the similar notion is applicable in Classified Ads. The reason attributed to non generation of leads by Classified Advertisements is that the advertiser doesn’t design and implement an apt strategy. Though it has built-in limitations also: It does not allow photos, it is not detailed, and it does not have enough space for testimonials unlike Classiads. However, Classified Advertisements possess advantages that cannot be underestimated.
Moreover, A keen real estate agent showed his desire to use classified advertisements for generating lead of an office he had to sell. But his friend, another real estate agent, advised him not to use classifieds. The reason he attributed was – “potential buyers of our target market doesn’t read classified Advertisements”. Further, he added that he has already lost hundreds of pounds in classifieds without generating leads and sales which could have used diverted into different channels of Advertisement.
The above-mentioned reason is a pure myth. That bitter truth of hyper competition in the market cannot be ignored and consequently following appropriate strategy is also crucial. Classified ads for product or service can reap benefits if the proper strategy of advertising classified ads is designed and implemented. Classified ad sites, if used aptly and accurately can do the trick for an entrepreneur or common man or any other opportunity seeker.
Below-mentioned techniques can create a lead for your product or business by using classified ads.
Following are the steps:
1. Understand the facts and figures of website first
Although there are hundreds of classified ad sites, but all of them are not same though they may be similar. And these websites work differently. They have a different structure and working style. As a result, it is crucial to interpret different websites with various views and consequently not posting the same advertisement on all classified ads websites.
2. Research your target market in a comprehensive way
Firstly, Every Classified ad site has its own customer base—some are popular for real estate while others are popular for vehicles and a similar phenomenon is observed in a host of other websites. Secondly, if you can understand what the targeted customers are searching passionately for advertisements then half the battle is won in this hyper competition.
So, Put in efforts to understand why people need your business and highlight that stuff in your advertising campaign. In other words, Content of your advertisement should be vivid as per needs of the prospective customer. Moreover, try to include a unique personal touch in advertisement
Thirdly, constantly check out your competitor’s ad posting style. Competitors always react in a wise way to the tactics and strategy of each other. This is essential to gain competitive advantage. So try to understand the approach of advertisement of competitors. This will help in designing and implementing the competitive advertisement.
3. Experiment with less expensive classified ads
Since Classified ads are cheaper than display advertisement, there is scope for subscribing to advertisements and learn from mistakes.